Blackwater Solutions



Blackwater Solutions specializes in the inspection, maintenance, and repair of septic systems. I deal with the muck. Blackwater Solutions was established in 2011 by Jamie Flora. After 25 years of installing septic systems, I realized there was a much needed service in the maintenance and repair of existing systems. God has blessed me with an earnest love for my work. We all have a purpose here on this earth. My calling is to provide solutions for septic system problems. As Samuel Jones, a well renown bbq pitmaster in Eastern North Carolina put it, "When you find something you're good at and you find your stride, you just roll with it."

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Choosing a skilled craftsman of the trade can mean the difference between gaining complete knowledge and confidence about the septic system of the home (or business) you are buying and not knowing about potential issues and problems that may exist. I personally provide an accurate and completely unbiased report of the septic systems that I inspect.

site evaluation / system failure

Sites are evaluated to determine whether a failure is due to restricted flows, damaged components, or a result of clogging due to sludge entering the drain laterals. 

root intrusion 

Blackwater Solutions specializes in root intrusion removal and prevention. Targeted excavations are made to expose and remove blockages. Roots that have entered the drain laterals are removed with specialized auger tools. The excavated area is directly treated with herbicide.  A herbicide dosing unit is installed. As a licensed NCDA & CS applicator, I yearly apply the correct amount of root control herbicide to the dosing unit. I keep a herbicide application history and contact customers for scheduled applications. 

clogged pipes / overloaded soil

Failures due to sludge entering the drain laterals can result in clogged pipes and soil that is overloaded with waste residuals. Sludge residuals that have entered the drain laterals are removed by vacuuming. Once residuals are removed, drain laterals are then aerated with proprietary methods to polish off the cleaning process and open the soil pores to receive normal water flows. A septic aeration port is installed that allows for future drain lateral aeration if needed. 



distribution box / t-baffle repair

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) - You may not see it, but it's there. Concentrations of hydrogen sulfide gases degrade concrete. Distribution boxes and concrete t-baffles are susceptible to degradation. A structurally intact pvc t-baffle with an effluent filter is the best method to prevent solids from entering the drain laterals.

alarm / pump replacement

If you have a high water alarm for your septic system, it will sound when you least expect. From electrical controls to pump replacement, Blackwater Solutions provides service and maintenance for septic system lift stations. Not only do I evaluate pump and control performance, but I check and verify that the wastewater is not being restricted at the soil absorption system from blockages due to sludge or root intrusion. If a pump is replaced only to work excessively hard to move water due to restrictions, it will be only a short while before the pump will fail again.

The difference 

First, I answer my phone. It's simple. Be available, be honest, smile, work hard, offer fair prices, and stand behind your work. 

Contact Jamie Flora 252.314.8677 for a free estimate.


Keep learning so that your work is constantly improving. Adversity provides opportunity. Don’t ever give up. Fall seven to rise eight. Proverbs 27:16 says, “ For a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again.
— Jamie Flora





nc septic inspection

Real estate septic inspections for Eastern North Carolina




Real estate septic inspections for Southern Virginia




septic system repair

Septic system failures are inspected and evaluated for corrective procedures. Clients are informed about the options for repair.  




Drain laterals are kept free from live root obstructions for 12 months after applications of root control herbicides.




free estimates

Work estimates are provide at no charge.










Servicing Eastern North Carolina including but not limited to: Edgecombe, Franklin, Halifax, Johnston, Nash, Northampton, Pitt, Wake, Warren, Wilson counties and Southern Virginia.


101 Shamrock Ct.

Rocky Mount, NC 27804